Buhari, the nepotist-in-chief, of the Republic of Nigeria- A Egunjobi

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“When the Niger Delta militants started their activities in the South-South, they were invited by the late President Umaru Yar’adua. An aircraft was sent to them and their leaders met with the late President in Aso Rock and discussed issues. They were given money and a training scheme was introduced for their members. But when the Boko Haram emerged in the north, members of the sect were killed”.

– Muhammadu Buhari

(Liberty Radio, Kaduna May 14 2012)

For a country atrophied by a BokoHaramic President and inherently corrupt handlers, it is time to sing the song, ‘To thy Tents O Nations’. One thing is for a country to be corrupt in the management of her resources, another is for the same country to be inherently corrupt in the management of the resources and religions within her borders. It is very lethal when a country is corrupt in the management of the combo. We are postponing the evil day of this country and no one is paying attention to the fact that the country is living on borrowed time. The amalgamates are sitting on a time bomb because they have a leader who is not investing in Nigeria but in a religion. He has made up his mind to overrun Nigeria with his brand of religion. He is an ingrate, unforgiving and Bin Ladenstic in character.


Buhari is very unforgiving and the event of October 13, 2000 is very fresh today.

When the Hunter called Buhari decided to bring home the baby cubs, little did he know they will be this big. The pride’ population is increasing daily through immigration and in-breeding has further populated the pride beyond comprehension. The agenda is to wipe the Christians off the map of Nigeria using the pride and it is working like a charm.

It is instructive to note that Boko Haram was conceived on October 13,  2000 after


Buhari’ protest visit to Ibadan. Buhari and the future Boko Haram Volunteers took over the government parastatals in Ibadan on this fateful day. To justify the invasion of the political headquarters of the Yorubaland, Buhari exaggerated the number of the dead during the faceoff between his Fulani brothers and local farmers in Oyo State from 5 to 68. After the visit and exaggeration of the number of the dead, Boko Haram was conceived to effect retaliation. Within weeks, gestation period was over and Boko Haram was born.

 Boko Haram was not born in 2002 as alleged. All structures were already in place and financed by Buhari. One prominent Nigerian that was part of this plan is the Former Lagos Governor, Marwa. He is a Boko Haram Financier and he will be rewarded in big way during the second BokoHaramic   term.  Marwa always has his hands in the pie and cookie jar of the country- remember Dele Giwa.

On record and for record, let us take a look at Buhari’ comments during years leading to the birth and after the formal birth of BH.

Read Buhari’ Pre-Bokoharamic comment of 2000

I can die for the cause of Islam if necessary. We are prepared to fight another civil war. We cannot be blackmailed into killing Sharia.”

– Muhammadu Buhari  

(Freedom House, 2000)


 His Pre-Bokoharamic comments of 2001

“I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria. God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country.”

– Muhammadu Buhari

(News24, August 27, 2001)


The birth of Boko Haram was announced in 2002


Let us look at his postpartum BokoHaramic comments

 “Why should Christians be concerned when Muslim cut off their limbs? After all, the limbs that are being cut off are Muslim ones and not Christian. So why should Christians bother about it?

 – Buhari

(Liberty Radio, Kaduna 2003)



“Muslims should only vote those who will promote Islam. We are more than the Christians if you add our Muslim brothers in the West.”

– Muhammadu Buhari

(Liberty Radio Kaduna, 2003)

 “When the Niger Delta militants started their activities in the South-South, they were invited by the late President Umaru Yar’adua. An aircraft was sent to them and their leaders met with the late President in Aso Rock and discussed issues. They were given money and a training scheme was introduced for their members. But when the Boko Haram emerged in the north, members of the sect were killed”.

– Muhammadu Buhari

(Liberty Radio, Kaduna May 14 2012)

 If anyone is in doubt about what happened in Ibadan and how the secretariat was paralyzed by the future Boko Haram Volunteers and founder-in-chief. Please execute freedom of information request to confirm this event. It is on record.


CIA’ Prediction

CIA is not a frivolous organization. It is populated by the best and brightest men/women and when the 2006 prediction came out that Nigeria will disintegrate in 2015, people started criticizing CIA despite the fact that all facts were staring at us.

The Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, the espionage arm of the United States’ intelligence apparatchik, released the  damning report in 2006, in which it predicted that Nigeria may disintegrate in  2015.According to the agency, Nigeria as a corporate entity was likely to splinter along tribal and sectarian lines by 2015 if some of the inherent fault lines were not properly managed and controlled.

Tagged “Mapping the Global Future”, the report projected global trends and likely scenarios up to 2020 and stated: “While currently, Nigeria’s leaders are locked in a bad marriage that all dislike but dare not leave, there are possibilities that could disrupt the precarious equilibrium in Abuja, to the extent that open warfare (may) breaks out in many places in a sustained manner.”

Almost everything in this prediction has come to pass save the physical disintegration. The fault lines have been magnified and this is no more a country but a group of nations.

Spiritually, Nigeria is no more. Buhari is the Chief  undertaker.

Need for AK47 for all.

All it takes to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun of the same capabilities. If Buhari refuses to condemn the Boko Haram members who disguise as cattle rearers and kill Christians, it is time for all to have AK47.

We need AK47 to protect ourselves from Buhari’ disguised onslaught on Christians and we need to start the process to arm ourselves now. It’s Biblical. Nehemiah built a fence and he was also holding a weapon. We need to begin the importation of AK47 to protect our loved ones today.

All it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to stand and do nothing. We should not allow herdsmen to enter our church and have a field day. If they know they will be met with AK47, they will be cautionary. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.  

 They enter churches with boldness and kill people, then return later to kill those burying the dead. This is travesty and we must stop this today. Buhari, please accept the shame that this is happening under your watch and you still want to remunerate them for killing our loved ones. Shame on you, Mr. President. Shame on you. Shame on you.  We are in pains and the blood of our loved ones is on you.

One of the major reasons why Senator Sunni is not returning to senate was because he told Buhari the truth when he said among others that “Enough blood has been spilled by herdsmen to stain the Rivers of Niger and Benue. Mr. President, there are vultures flying over the heads, the villages and communities of our people.” The senator argued that no government policy or program is more important than saving and protecting human lives. He urged the government to stop protecting, pampering, paying, politicizing and prevaricating on the herdsmen issue.

 Because of these comments among others, the unforgiving and vindictive Buhari will not allow him to return to Senate. Truth is bitter.


Formal onslaught

With our oil money, Buhari will launch Fulani propaganda radio soon. This man is bold but disillusioned. Those who think Nigeria Fulanization and islamization is a mirage need to wake up from their slumbers. It is real and here. Recently, the Minister of Defense, Mr. Danbanza, a former Chief of Defense Staff of Nigeria, confirmed that Buhari has negotiated to pay 100 billion naira of tax payers’ money to the Herdsmen to commit them to stop killing and kidnapping. It is beyond comprehension and inexplicable. That is vintage Buhari for you. Can anyone link the Ibadan visit and this meeting?

Mr. Buhari is making good his dream with the offer of 100 billion naira to Boko Haram. The fact that the government of Buhari can sit in the same room to negotiate payment with the Boko Haram, masquerading as herdsmen, is instructive and it is time to begin to negotiate this geographical expression called Nigeria.

As if the above is not embarrassing enough, the government is proposing turning the house of the killer co-founder to tourist center.

 People fear for their lives because of the way these people operate. The chicken has come home to roost and the truth is laid bare. Boko Haram is not a mirage organization. They get their instruments of destruction from this government of the day and now, they are about to replenish their arsenal for the formal decapitation of the nations.

According to the information filtering to us, the BH group demanded for 160 billion and at the end of the negotiation, FG delegation insist on 100 Billion Naira. 

Since this is a government that lies from both sides of its mouth. The video below suffices


Government’ intentional targeted killing of Christians

On January 17,2017 the Nigerian air force carried out an airstrike on a Christian settlement for displaced people in Rann, Borno State, killing about 234 people and injuring over 100 more. The irony of it all was that, the military put these people at this location  and they are the ones who eventually killed them. They initially attributed the massacre to Boko Haram. After about six months of investigation and denial, they succumbed to superior evidence. What do you need to confirm that annihilation of Christians is in place? Boko Haram displaced people. The army put them in a location and thereafter bombed them.

Corruption score card

Nepotism : Buhari has won the title of the most corrupt leader in Nigeria. Corruption can be measured in different formats. Buhari is the biggest nepotist in the history of Nigeria leadership. On Nepotism, Buhari is corrupt to a fault. He earns summa cum laude in this Subject.

Religion: I need not say anything. He can not stand any other religion and his comments which are on records speak volumes. His first five appointments as presidents were BokoHaramic

Financial: Buhari condones corruption in grand style. Look at the number of corrupt politicians who had their corruption cases thrown under the carpet the moment they crossed over to APC. If that is not corruption, I do not know any other name for it. It might interest all  that Buhari’s hand is so deep in the cookie jar that he finds it hard to declare his assets. Our own Buhari is now incapable of declaring his assets. The man who confessed openly that he could not afford the party’ nomination form is now a billionaire. 

Buhari dances to strange beats and equally beats the drum of religious bigotry and nepotism. Like a leopard, he has started dancing to his usual tune in the second half of his disillusionment.

 On Economy and political appointments

The moment Buhari promised to make the naira equal to the dollar during his campaign, I concluded he does not belong to this race. He is behind and one can link him to Neanderthal with a cattle herder’s mentality. Buhari is clueless and does not know what he is doing. After complaints by stakeholders over his lopsided appointments, he released the list of appointees to counter what the media put together for public consumption. Let us take a look of the official release by the statehouse. Please note that this is an Official tabulation by the Aso Rock . If this is not corruption in official regalia of Nepotism, I have a piece of land for sale on the moon.

Over seventy percent of the key appointments went to his Northern region because he is their president and not that of Nigeria. Aso Rock Health center appointments will hit the wires very soon. It should be noted that there is no vacancy. They are  bokoharamically filled already.

Final note.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed, no Christian state or community should allow the establishment of the so-called grazing lands proposed by some Muslim leaders(Remember Ogboru’ fish Depot) . These lands will be turned to ammunition depots and the consequences will be Boko Haramic in style. Do not provide fertile grounds for your enemies to destroy you. With 100 Billion Naira from Buhari, alloyed with current supplies, the herdsmen’ arsenals will be larger than the federal Army. 

 Finally, we need to sit down and negotiate these nations before Christians are totally annihilated. Nigeria, as presently constituted is a lie. Those who officiated the wedding between the nations knew it was a bad marriage from the outset. What the British hurriedly put together was a marriage of convenience and the time for divorce is now. It was Las Vegas drive-through marriage between nations. They hurriedly joined them together but since the nuptial knots were tied, the North has been raping the South within the matrimonial home called Nigeria. Enough is enough.   To your tents because this country is a lie. 

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