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[To be said three times daily.]


Almighty Creator,

We, your humble children and citizens of Nigeria and Liberia, come to honor you today and always. We profess, realize and acknowledge that you are the only one who can rightly guide, protect, lead, secure and bless our countries. Therefore, in unison, we implore you to hear our cries and grant these our supplications.

 Our leaders make the laws. They control the military, police force, trade policies, tax rates and all facets of everyday life in the countries. You rule and have power. But for many of you, power is not enough. You indecently stuff your pockets with every chunk of public money and property that you can lay your hands on, often with elaborate crony and laundering networks to support your pilfering, stealing habits. May your days be numbered. By the throat you will hang high. And vultures will gather around you to find your eyes and pull them out. Always remember, you caused and deserve this affliction.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

You were elected to be our servants. Instead, you turn yourselves to be our masters; eating and gnawing at every opportunity that takes advantage of the countries. The countries have become your fodder for breakfast, lunch and dinner. May you re-gurgitate all that you have eaten in utter discomfort. May you be damned and cursed forever, unless you return it all and/or atone for your actions.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

“Thou shall not steal,” you commanded o Creator! Our leaders steal from the coffers of the innocent citizens of Nigeria and Liberia  in many ways some of which involves violence, threats, or breaking and entering in order to take the property of others, armed robbery, mugging, house breaking, car theft, kidnapping [which by the way was punishable by death in the Old Testament (Ex. 21:16) [Deut. 24:7], shoplifting, looting, petty theft. May Nigeria and Liberia  be avenged of these vipers for many generations. They will hang on the gallows. And, if they do not hang, they will drown. And, if they do not drown, they will roast by fire. And, if they do not roast, let the worst calamity befall them.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

You claim to be in the service of Nigeria and Liberia  but serve your parties’ and your personal interests. There are no roads, no jobs, no money, no hospitals, no schools, no security, no houses, no clean environment; in short nothing that a people or countries can write home about. May the Creator deny you and your families any and all comforts of life. May you never sleep comfortably but be hounded by the societal derelicts and deviants you created. May the Creator ensure that your entrails are fed to the dogs.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

Many of our leaders and compatriots engage in dishonest, moral, business and other practices and knowingly cheat their supposed masters. Some use dishonest weight and measures so that customers receive less than they paid for. Others deliberately ring up a greater price on the cash register than was advertised. Con artists take money under false pretenses. May they all and their families be roasted in a frying urn. May sickness and fever attack them.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

Public servants and employees take from their employers’ coffers in their charge by stealing from it. Others in positions of responsibility in businesses embezzle from the company with impunity. Some commit and hide their crimes by doctoring the books or using other manipulations.  Many take company supplies, equipment, and even the manufactured product. Soak-away pits, water tanks, fake funeral plots, even building walls are the usual hiding places for these illegal lootages. May they never see peace and may they, at the end, find suitable spots in the hottest part of hell. May they never the Creator behold. May they die as one accursed.


Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.


Many Nigerian and Liberian  citizens in high places cheat on their taxes or avoid paying taxes altogether. Many mis-report and/or misrepresent their earnings and income to avoid paying taxes. “Render to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs,” you decreed. This cheating costs the countries billions every year. May the people engaged in this lying and deceit and who refuse to submit to the law of land be accursed for generations. Creator, let them know that on the Day of Judgment all the saints and martyrs will be their accusers before You.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

Many claim the work, knowledge, ideas, etc of others to be their own. Students, teachers cheat as well as institutions. Plagiarism, copyright and patent violation, putting forth ideas that others wrote as your own and not giving credit to the source or original owner to make a profit exist in the land. May you all be cursed from the mouth of the Creator. May he be angry with you and make your lives desolate.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

To all Nigerians and Liberians  who by aiding and assisting the thieves protect them from punishment, or who knowingly share in what had been stolen and looted, you have cooperated with the thieves. You are wicked by virtue of the fact that you justify and defend people who are stealing from our commonwealth and you are guilt of the same offence by fellowshipping with sin rather than rebuking it. Worse, when you are sworn to tell the truth, you reveal nothing; refusing to testify against the one who is guilty. Civil law reveals that we hate our own lives by engaging in this act and the Creator holds us guilty. Creator, let the stolen items change to serpents in their hands and rend them. May they be struck with palsy. Let them decay in pain, crying out for mercy till they sink into dissolution in agony. Finally, let the flames of Hell consume them forever and ever.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia .

Religious clerics withhold the truth from Nigerians and Liberians  by teaching what not the will of the Creator is. They are servants who withhold real and expensive food from their followers while providing them with rotten food. Withholding the truth is stealing! The Holy books are the Creator’s possessions and, as clerics, you are responsible for giving the message to the people without changing it. May all who feed the people falsely be destroyed by and in their own lies. Creator, make their lives meaningless, redundant and cast them into hellfire. 

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia .

O Creator, Nigerians and Liberians urgently need your guidance, direction and wisdom. You created and gave us  great and fantastic countries that are founded on your principles and truths.  The countries lack and needs honest men and women of integrity who will trust, honour and fear You to, once again, lead it back to You and its ordained destiny. On our knees, we implore and ask for servant leaders who love Nigeria and Liberia , the things You love and command and who will care more about others and Nigeria/Liberia  than themselves.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia .

Please provide us with leaders with kind hearts, sound intellect and minds, unflinching faith, and all the virtues that copy Your character. Teach us what is good and best for Nigeria/Liberia . Purify our intentions and ensure godliness in our thoughts and convictions. Energize Nigerians and Liberians  physically and spiritually and keep them emotionally secure in the knowledge of who You are and who they are and their purposes here on earth. Help us to become more sincere, energetic in goodness, and civil in our conduct.  

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

Raise leaders with the greatest potential of godly leadership for Nigeria and Liberia. Anoint those who can ease and not cause confusion. Empower those will expose illusion and heal our delusions. You have the power to turn the hearts of leaders. Turn them towards yourself and Nigeria/Liberia. Use and accept our prayers to move them towards the correct and right actions for our dear countries. Help us to be faithful, trusting, and hopeful and to always pursue Your desires in prayer.

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia.

Our actions, intents, pronouncements violate civil laws ordained by the Creator. They also violate the Creator’s law of love. If we love our neighbours we will always do good, not the things that harm them. Many will not enter the kingdom of the Creator for engaging in acts that come from the heart yet defile a man. May the good work that we do speak for us on the Day of Judgment!

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia ..


Lord we humbly ask that you do not give us …………………………… again as a leader (put the name of the leader there and send it to him or her)

Response: Creator, we lift up our voices in prayer for Nigeria and Liberia. AMEN. AMEN. AMEN.


A piece from an intellectual juggernaut who was on his way to great beyond.


Buenas Noches,  Prof Angelicus-M Onasanya



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