Tribute to Mr. Johnson Doerue – Edmund Z. Bargblor

In African
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Late Mr.  Johnson   Woolo Doerue

(He was a Humanitarian)



Mankind, down through the ages has come the cry for knowledge and more knowledge. Around us, everything is changing and nothing seems permanent and fixed. The mountains crumble away, the rivers dry up in the Sahara Desert, and cease to flow, islands sink and new seas are formed. The great oaks, in all their majesty must succumb to transition, to change, or death. Man goes on his way and crosses the borderline into the unknown and seems to end his existence in the twinkling of an eyeIs there any part of man, therefore, or any part of nature, that is immortal, unchanging permanent and conditionalStill, there was always the quest for knowledge and the desire for answers to problems unsolved. Why are we here? Who are we? Whence have we come? And where do we goIs this personality of ours, this individuality which we strive to build up through idealism and the elimination of undesirable traits, merely a temporary or imaginary creation of us ?


According   to the police within the Washington, D.C. area,   Mr. Johnson Doerue was killed on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at the  intersection of North Capitol Street and Channing Street, around 9:30pm. He was reportedly crossing from the east side to the west side of North Capitol Street, when the vehicle fatally struck him. He was 67 years old.


 I met late Johnson Doerue in January, 1982, when I enrolled at the Howard University in Washington, D.C., to pursue my graduate studies. He was kind to accept me to reside in his apartment for 6 months. When he realized that I had no scholarship from the Liberian Government, he was sympathetic and asked me to only cover the payments of utilities, which were less than $100.00 monthly at that time.

Brother Johnson, was a good and kind man, he will be greatly missed.

 Mr. Johnson Wolo Doeruewas born to Oldman Sammy Zedueh Doerue and Old Lady Annie Tarnyoung. He was born On September 15, 1950, in  Zulu Blee or Zulu Town, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia. He is survived by his only son, Mbowolee ODell Doerue  and   his wife, Mrs. Mbowolee O. Doerue. He is  also survived his four sisters: Helen, Cecelia, Rachael and Comfort.


Late Mr. Johnson Doerue and his wife,  Mrs. Mbowolee O. Doerue


Let me close with the following eulogy verse:

"Nature it seems stands on its head

When you mourn the loss of a great man

Today we remember his life with us

                                                         The years of laughter and fun                                                           ,

Were thinking of all the times that we shared

  And though we are bowed with grief

Today we celebrate the great man we once had

Because it is our firm belief

That his life enriched us in so many ways

Brought sunshine and happiness into our days

And though we are heartbroken and very sad

Today we admit that were also glad

That we had him, if only for too short a while

Not yet but sometimes well remember and smile."





       Mr. Bargblor is a graduate of Cuttington University, Liberia; Howard University, Washington, D. C, and Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.   He is a trained administrator in the field of Education and public service. He is former President of the African Catholic Community of Rhode Island, former vice President of the Liberian Community Association of Rhode Island, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, Inc., Administrative Certification from the Rhode Island Department of Education. He served as Chairman of the Department of Mathematics at the Bong Town High School, Bong Mines, Liberia. He has been an Instructor of Mathematics, with the Washington D.C. School, 4 years and the Providence School Department   for over 25 years.  Mr. Bargblor is a former Deputy Managing Director of the National Port Authority of Liberia, NPA.


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