The worst thing that has happened to Nigeria is Buhari. He is an irredeemable tyrant with a penchant for bloodshed. This is a man who is ready to promulgate law retroactively to kill – Abiodun Egunjobi
Memory Lane
Soon after his takeover on December 31, 1983, Buhari issued a decree imposing life imprisonment on anyone found guilty of corruption, and he set up four tribunals consisting of three senior officers and a judge to try almost 1000 political leaders detained since the coup. State Security (Detention of Persons) Decree Number 2 of 1984 suspended constitutional freedoms, empowered the chief of staff, Supreme Headquarters, to detain indefinitely (subject to review every three months) anyone suspected of “acts prejudicial to state security to the economic adversity of the nation.” These notorious decree also authorized any police officer or member of the armed forces to arrest and imprison such persons. By July 1984, Buhari had issued twenty-two decrees, including two retroactive to December 31, 1983, prescribing the death penalty for arson, drug trafficking, oil smuggling, and currency counterfeiting. Before Buhari forced himself on us in 1983, drug offences were bailable and maximum penalty was 6 months imprisonment. The case of Bartholomew Azubike Owoh, 26, a former employee of the Nigeria Airways, is very instructive. Buhari vampirism was brought to fore here. The Owoh case was already in court before Buhari came to power but he promulgate a decree , and retroactively implemented it to kill him . Owon committed the offence prior to the issuance of Decree 20 but Buhari needed to shed blood. That is what he does. Remember his threat in 2015
The Grubhub order for murder.
The #Endsars killing was premeditated as the killing of the drug traffickers . It was planned and carefully executed. We will never know how many people were killed because CCTV cameras at the Lekki toll gate, where #EndSARS protesters had been camped for two weeks, were removed by government officials and the electricity was cut – a clear attempt to hide evidence. As in previous cases documented by Amnesty International, some of those killed and injured were allegedly taken away by the military. These shootings clearly amount to extrajudicial executions. How do the families and relatives have closures when government is holding on to the bodies of the dead? President Buhari placed a grubhub order for murder and the zombie military carried out the unlawful order without remorse. This is vintage Buhari.
Just like president Trump asked Buhari , “Why are you killing Christians?” The new question from President Trump should be, “Buhari, why are you killing your tomorrow?”
Mention their names and share
Common theme to them – “The majority of them are between 18 and 24 years old, have never experienced steady electricity in their lifetime, did not enjoy free education in the country and had their years at university punctuated and elongated by lecturers going on strike”.
Mention their names. Buhari has murdered sleep.
My Take
No sooner did he ascend the presidency than he became a virtual pawn of a northern gang; APC party and non-party operatives, movers and shakers from the north, purposed on using their buddy’s position with him to line their pockets with more graft than most other presidential entourages ever dreamed of and to implement their northern agenda. The southern geo-political zones were completely marginalized. He has printed more billionaires in Katsina than the entire nation. He is the worst thing that has happened to Nigeria.
In the confused and blunder-filled administration of Buhari, Nigeria is being poorly-managed like a mom and pop business in Wuse, Abuja market. Buhari’s naiveté, ineptitude and unpreparedness for the job is fast becoming legendary. His and his cohort’s repeated economic missteps and failures coupled domestic and foreign policy blunders are now beginning to play like a dark comedy. His bungled and stumbling economic policies resulted in a stagnant economy, out of control inflation and unemployment; a disastrous mix, termed “stagflation.” Buhari has proven to be in over his head on the economy and the disjointed, sometimes contradictory measures he and his cohorts have in place to turn things around, hopefully, would not result in a full-blown depression by the time he would be sent back to where he belongs, CAR. By the end of Buhari’ regime, there will be no nation called Nigeria.
Last Line
Buhari has always expressed the hope that history will be kind to him. It is within his competence, rights and power to write that history. Any genuine history must be devoid of any myth in any form or disguise. It will be a true, detailed and unbiased rendition of the record of Buhari’ performance in office. History has been very kind to Buhari. History gave him three terms to run Nigeria. History has concluded that Buhari is an unrepentant, nepotistic, religious bigot and murderer.
“If you don’t take change by the hand, it will take you by the throat.” – Winston Churchill
Abiodun Egunjobi